notes,scribbles,bubbles,visions,hallucinations and what have you

Monday, March 15, 2004

livid lately
last night my sis calls. my uncle she says has decided to help himself to some of our compound space whilst he's erecting himself a pillar to add another storey to his place.

i know he's old, senile, retired and the tall pillars are a compensation for something thats been flagging for a while. but what he's doing has the acids in my stomach rising up again.

now i can feel in part what the palestinians go through.
any encroachment enrages.

now there's only two things i can do. take a train and stick a blunt knife up his rectum.
or wait till he finishes,find some rdx/plastic and blow his grandiose project sky high.

but knowing me i shall just remind myself of the Lord's prayer....
....'forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us'

i like the old testament better.......
'an eye for an eye'......
'a tooth for a tooth'
'a house for an inch encroached'

ok Jesus you know I said that to sound cool.

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