notes,scribbles,bubbles,visions,hallucinations and what have you

Friday, April 02, 2004

will leave now with tears spilled in the back of our eyes
laugh with glee like a baby in bloom
sleep this season out in the cold
left with a thin memory blanket

nursrey rhyme bliss meets blackboard chalk clarity
coffee stains....cigarettes sent
grim weeper serenading black hole vertigo
this sea of sorrow floods my heart

melancholy she lives with my heart in the house of infinite sadness
frustration he drops by to deliver hammer blows
how did these strangers morph into me?
i'm severed and suffering upon their exit

let me curl and hug what's left of me
need time therapy in fast forward
time now to enter the world of fancy dress and petty pretence
big city flights of fancy will leave nostalgia numb

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