notes,scribbles,bubbles,visions,hallucinations and what have you

Monday, February 09, 2004

monday morning brews
one of those days when you think and you feel that ...
today will be different
from everyday and its mindless mundaneness......
rambling people....
choking on their own inanities and their carefully choreographed conversations
when the only way to feel alive is by riding like a suicide.....
my brain responds with head rushes everytime I put MY life on the line drug peddler the mind
the price i have to pay to travel new roads in my head is to nuke the paralysing montony in my life
however the payment for self induced adrenalin/endorphin headbuzzes are getting more and more expensive and elusive.......
i have to ride harder and more dangerously everytime........
one of these days i shall get the ultimate bonus.......
the mother superior of all highs
.......... a phuqqing near death experience..............
funny how i feel most alive when im closest to dying
drool....double drool....

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